Created attachment 91801 [details] Zipped files as described in description. About once a week, when booting daily, the CPU (all cores) get's stuck at highest frequency. Unfortunately, I can't tell exactly when this appeared but it was about during the time, when I switched to systemd and cpufrequtils got replaced cpupower, about half a year ago. The kernel modules are loaded properly and the start scripts are executed. I can not find any difference, when this occurs or when it doesn't. Exept that the frequency is stucked at highest level of course. When this occurs I wasn't able to set the frequency manually (by the userspace governor). Reloading the conservative module or reexuting the (systemd) start script did not have any effect. The only thing I can do to resolve the issue is reboot. I use an up to date Arch Linux with the regular kernel and systemd. Additional Infos: proc/cpuinfo reports the wrong frequency (lowest). I think this is mentioned in another bug. However cpupower -c all frequency-info (executed as root) reports the correct highest frequency. I can clearly see that this is the true frequency because the temperatures reported by sensors are almost 10°C higher than under normal circumstances. I don't have any process that could cause the governor to raise the frequencies. CPU usage is below 1% and load is between 0.0 and 0.05. Hardware: A HP Pavilion dv6 CORE i5 Attachments: - cpupower (/usr/lib/systemd/scripts/cpupower, the start up scripts used by systemd to set the frequencies) - cpupower.conf (/etc/conf.d/cpupower) - cpupower-service.txt (output from systemctl status cpupower.service) - cpupower.txt (output from cpupower -c all frequency-info) - journal.txt (output from journalctl -b | grep cpufreq) - lsmod.txt (output from lsmod |grep cpufreq) - proc_cpuinfo.txt (output from cat /proc/cpuinfo (wrong frequencies)) Please let me know if you need additional info. Regards
Hello, I'm not sure if this is possible, since you said this problem happened once a week. But it would be helpful to identify which kernel begins to have this problem, and if the latest mainline kernel fixed it already. Thanks.
Hi Cem, Do you still have this problem on latest upstream kernel? Thanks.
Hello Yes, the problem occured once last week. However it does not occur often. Therefor it's a bit hard to tell. At the moment I'm on 3.8.4-1-ARCH. I'll keep having an eye on this and report back if it occurs on 3.8.5 Regards
Thanks Cem. It would be good to test latest Linus' tree too.
Cem, is there any update on this?
Hi Since my last comment (2013-04-02) this didn't occur anymore ! Using 3.8.11-1-ARCH now. However I'd like to keep this open for one or two more weeks to make sure it doesn't appear anymore. Regards
Ok This bug didn't occur anymore. And by todays update to 3.9.2-1-ARCH acpi-cpufreq got replaced by the new intel-pstate and it's powersave governor. I'm closing as obsolete. Thanks and Regards