Bug 329 - wheel doesn't works on a usb mouse
Summary: wheel doesn't works on a usb mouse
Alias: None
Product: Drivers
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Input Devices (show other bugs)
Hardware: i386 Linux
: P2 low
Assignee: Vojtech Pavlik
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-02-08 08:57 UTC by Edward Matteucci
Modified: 2003-09-12 02:59 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Kernel Version: 2.5.59-bk2
Regression: ---
Bisected commit-id:


Description Edward Matteucci 2003-02-08 08:57:52 UTC
Distribution: debian sid  
Hardware Environment: via kt-400, athlon xp 2000 
Problem Description: 
I have a logitech optical usb mouse, 
the problem is that the 2.5.59-bk2 kernel doesn't see the wheel 
(on the same system, the wheel works perfectly under 2.4.21-pre4). 
I noticed that trying to "cat /proc/input/mice" while moving the 
mouse return some strange symbol unless i try to move the wheel. 
Steps to reproduce: 
plug in the mouse :-) 
ps I use devfs support.
Comment 1 Jesse Stockall 2003-08-12 22:06:56 UTC
I have the same problem with a MS Wheel Mouse Optical and 2.6.0-test3
Comment 2 Edward Matteucci 2003-09-12 02:59:01 UTC
the mouse's wheel is working using linux 2.6.0-test5 

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