Bug 218351 - kernelshark-v2.3.0 KsTraceViewer is not expanding vertically
Summary: kernelshark-v2.3.0 KsTraceViewer is not expanding vertically
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Tools
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Trace-cmd/Kernelshark (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: P3 normal
Assignee: Default virtual assignee for Trace-cmd and kernelshark
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-01-06 18:25 UTC by Benjamin Robin
Modified: 2024-01-15 17:48 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Kernel Version:
Regression: No
Bisected commit-id:

Sceenshot (119.03 KB, image/png)
2024-01-11 20:03 UTC, Benjamin Robin

Description Benjamin Robin 2024-01-06 18:25:37 UTC
 - KDE with Oxygen theme
 - ArchLinux (up to date)
 - kernelshark-v2.3.0 (Qt6 build)

Note: I do not have any issue with kernelshark-v2.2.1. These bugs are triggered by 
the migration to Qt6.

KsTraceViewer (the table widget) is not expanding vertically, the height is fixed
(and quite small).

I fix it this way (but I do not know if this is the proper way):
In KsDataWidget constructor replace:

   this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Maximum);

   this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
Comment 1 Yordan Karadzhov 2024-01-11 19:54:56 UTC
Do you still see this problem after the fix in KsGLWidget?
Comment 2 Benjamin Robin 2024-01-11 20:03:01 UTC
Created attachment 305707 [details]

Yes the problem is still there.
To show this problem, I recorded some random events generated on the 2 first cores
using this command line: trace-cmd record -a -e "*" -o t2.dat -M 3
Comment 3 Yordan Karadzhov 2024-01-11 20:10:18 UTC
OK, please send your fix to the mailing list and we will discuss it there.
Comment 4 Benjamin Robin 2024-01-11 20:30:11 UTC
I'll try to investigate this problem properly this weekend, to try to understand
what's really going on. I don't want to share a commit yet, which is certainly broken.
Comment 5 Benjamin Robin 2024-01-14 17:21:23 UTC
I sent a "few" fixes. Please provide feedback :-)

Also for "reference" here the widget "layout":

Central Widget: QSplitter
- _graph (KsTraceGraph)
    - _layout (QVBoxLayout)
        - _pointerBar (QToolBar)
            - _labelP1
            - _labelP2
            - separator
            - _labelI1
            - separator
            - _labelI2
            - separator
            - _labelI3
            - separator
            - _labelI4
            - separator
            - _labelI5
        - _navigationBar (QToolBar)
            - _scrollLeftButton
            - _zoomInButton
            - _zoomOutButton
            - _scrollRightButton
            - separator
            - _quickZoomInButton
            - _quickZoomOutButton
            - separator
            - label (empty)
            - _buttonA
            - _labelMA
            - separator
            - label (empty)
            - _buttonB
            - _labelMB
            - separator
            - _labelDeltaDescr
            - _labelDelta
        - _scrollArea (KsGraphScrollArea : QScrollArea)
            - _glWindow (KsGLWidget)
- _view (KsTraceViewer)
    - _layout (QVBoxLayout)
        - _toolbar (QToolBar)
            - _labelSearch
            - _columnComboBox
            - _selectComboBox
            - _searchLineEdit
            - separator
            - _nextButton
            - _prevButton
            - separator
            - _searchProgBar (hidden)
            - _searchCountLabel
            - _searchStopButton (hidden)
            - _searchRestartButton (hidden)
            - separator
            - _graphFollowsCheckBox
            - _labelGrFollows
        - _view (KsTableView : QTableView)
Comment 6 Yordan Karadzhov 2024-01-15 17:48:00 UTC
You call this "few" ;-)

I will have a look, but unfortunately this may take some time, because I can work on KernelShark only in my spare time. I will try to get all patches reviewed before the end of the week.


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