Date: 20220418 Kernel: 5.17.3 Compiler GCC 12.0.1 File: linux-5.17.3/drivers/net/ethernet/sun/cassini.c Line: 1328 Issue: GCC 12.0.1 complains on comparing addresses of 2 arrays like this: CAS_HP_FIRMWARE == cas_prog_null Ad hoc mitigation: the compiler proposes the more clean annotation as follows: &cas_prog_workaroundtab[0] == &cas_prog_null[0] Interesting: clang-15.0.0 does not complain. Remarks: this occurrence is representative; the GCC 12.0.1 compiler warns at many places. I looked as well to older kernels; the topic is in there since 20 Years. Just GCC 12.0.1 complains on it right now. Global mitigation: adding "-Wno-array-compare" to the GCC compiler options of kernel root Makefile.