Where: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man4/initrd.4.html Section: Boot-up operation Part: 6. -AND- Section: NOTES -OR- https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages.git/tree/man4/initrd.4 lines: 138-141 -AND- lines: 441-474 What: initrd(4), Section Boot-up operation, part 6. (lines 138-141) says: " If /linuxrc is not executed or when /linuxrc terminates, the normal root filesystem is mounted. (If /linuxrc exits with any filesystems mounted on the initial root filesystem, then the behavior of the kernel is UNSPECIFIED. See the NOTES section for the current kernel behavior.) " However, the NOTES section (lines 441-474): Does NOT contain "current kernel behavior" if "/linuxrc exits with any filesystems mounted on the initial root filesystem". Proposed solution: Add a description of the current kernel behavior, when /linuxrc exits with any filesystems mounted on the initial root filesystem.