Running the following: # trace-cmd start -p nop -l "*" # trace-cmd show --ftrace_filter |wc -l 50979 # trace-cmd stat | wc -l 234 Shows that trace-cmd stat's listing of functions is not complete, and only shows the first 216 filters. Perhaps its OK not to show all of them, but there should be something like the following at the end of the display: Events: All disabled Function Filter: __traceiter_initcall_level __traceiter_initcall_start __traceiter_initcall_finish test_therm_status ... msr_event_init event_show test_intel msr_event_add msr_event_update msr_event_stop msr_event_del msr_event_start intel_pmu_event_map __icl_update_topdown_event __intel_shared_reg_get_constraints [ 50763 more functions filtered. Use trace-cmd show --ftrace-filter to see them all ] Buffer size in kilobytes (per cpu): 1410 Buffer total size in kilobytes: 11280 Tracing is enabled ---