Which is somewhat unfortunate, because the other call graphs end up being quite useless. STR: * git clone https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen * cd rust-bindgen * RUSTFLAGS="-g" cargo build --release * perf record --call-graph dwarf ./target/release/bindgen tests/stylo.hpp --no-rustfmt-bindings >/dev/null 2>&1 * (wait about five seconds or so) * perf report (or perf script, or anything else really) Expected: * See a profile. Actual: * OOM. The only way I managed it to not OOM is using -F 5, which is obviously not enough resolution to get anything useful. This may be a rust compiler bug, I guess, though I've tried with quite a few different Rust compiler versions, plus debugging the executable with GDB works just fine. Something seems to be blowing up very badly in perf itself. As I write this, I tried with -i and it significantly reduces memory usage, to the point where I can actually take a profile with perf record -F 100 --call-graph dwarf. Still I cannot get a profile without OOMing my 16GB of RAM with the default frequency. I'm fine if the answer to this report is a WONTFIX, or a "you just need more RAM", or such, but maybe there's something to be improved on perf's side here?
> Which is somewhat unfortunate, because the other call graphs end up being > quite useless. FWIW this is a bit of a lie, lbr seems to work fine.