the first hibernate(s2disk)-thaw-cycle completed nicely... then i played SecondLife and after some hours of video watching i started s2disk again and mentioned, that the monitor got no signal, when s2disk was writing the image to the swap device... today when i tried to thaw the box, everything was extremely slow (it took seconds until i could c the letter in the gnome-terminal that i typed)... then i switched to tty2 (ctrl+alt+F2) and saw the output from the process, that read the image, that s2disk wrote... and the screen had lots of equidistant vertical pink lines... a reboot helped with the speed (now it is normal again), but of course that is not the reason to hibernate... giggle my hardware is AMD A10-5800K and AMD Radeon RX550 (with a normal amdgpu/kernel).
today it thawed nicely although i played SecondLife a lot before the s2disk without a reboot... but it was the first hibernate/thaw cycle since the last reboot... -arne
could it be VLC related? i mean: the hibernate-thaw-cycle worked fine without a vlc process... but yesterday morning there was a vlc process, when the thaw failed... plus: i use VLC since 2018-01-25... before i used smplayer with some 4.15-rc and it always thawed nicely... iirc... :) -arne
it happens without vlc, too... it seems like the first hibernate-thaw-cycle works fine, but the second fails... -arne
in the journal it says quite often kernel: AMD-Vi: Event logged [IO_PAGE_FAULT device=01:00.0 domain=0x0001 address=0x00000000e6625040 flags=0x0000] kernel: amdgpu 0000:01:00.0: AMD-Vi: Event logged [IO_PAGE_FAULT domain=0x0001 address=0x00000000e6625000 flags=0x0000] shortly after thaw... -arne
the kernel parameter "iommu=soft" did not help... it happened again during the second hibernate-thaw-cycle... i found some more suspicious log lines: (they showed up during the second thaw...) kernel: PM: Device 0000:01:00.0 failed to restore async: error -22 kernel: dpm_run_callback(): pci_pm_restore+0x0/0xa0 returns -22 kernel: [drm:amdgpu_device_resume [amdgpu]] *ERROR* amdgpu_resume failed (-22). kernel: [drm:amdgpu_resume_phase2 [amdgpu]] *ERROR* resume of IP block <uvd_v6_0> failed -22 kernel: [drm:uvd_v6_0_ring_test_ring [amdgpu]] *ERROR* amdgpu: ring 12 test failed (0xCAFEDEAD) during the first thaw the log says: kernel: [drm] VCE initialized successfully. kernel: [drm] ring test on 16 succeeded in 8 usecs -arne
it was gone for some time... but since 5.2.8 it is back... -arne