We currently don't print info about stack frame as asan does. We should. Here is a quick prototype ftr: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/kasan-dev/iDb5bhcMBT0/55QzwWaHAwAJ We probably need to put this code into print_address_description(). For current task is it relatively simple, we can use task_stack_page() to get current stack range and it won't change under us. For other tasks, first we need to figure out a way to find the corresponding task (which may not be possible due to deadlocks), and then try_get_task_stack(). But still stack can change under us, so info won't be reliable. FTR, interface documentation is in AsanThread::GetStackFrameAccessByAddr and ParseFrameDescription asan function.
Patch implementing this has been added to mm-tree: https://lkml.org/lkml/2019/5/22/224