Hello, RT2860STA doesn't update it's encryption key (requested through wpa_supplicant) when resumed from suspend. In my previous kernel 2.6.32.X this worked everytime like a charm. Setting severity to BLOCKING because this caused my laptop not available at network after resume from suspend. Restart of network services made laptop available at network.
FWIW, drivers don't request keys -- wpa_supplicant decides when they need to be sent.
But presumably this was caused by kernel changes - I assume the same userspace was used each time?
YES same userspace if I boot back to stable 2.6.32 kernel it works like a charm.
BTW with my second laptop with ipw2200 request after resume still work with 2.6.34
Regressions in staging drivers are not listed any more. Removing from the list.
Is the problem still present in 2.6.37?