I upgraded recently from 4.6.(0/1/2/3) gentoo-sources to 4.7.2 gentoo-sources Plus / Gained functionality: *) Rf kill key works now (Software Wlan enable / disable key) Cons / Lost functionality: *) XF86KbdBrightnessUp key does not generate a proper event *) XF86KbdBrightnessDown key does not generate a proper event *) XF86TouchpadToggle key does not generate a proper event *) no backlight leds anymore => /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness Only difference is the loaded kernel. Kernel was made with make oldconfig and accept the suggested new features with default settings Current Kernel config https://paste.pound-python.org/show/QMQtnAl1H5oGYehA4iRN/ A detail explanation of myself can be found here: https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1050682-highlight-.html This bug has changed in its behaviour, as a lot of functinality is broken now and some functionality is gained, I created a new bug. previous bug: previous behaviour up to / including kernel 4.6.x valid: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=106901
Created attachment 232271 [details] inxi -F
Created attachment 232281 [details] acpidump
Could you do a git bisect for this? The functionality loss could be easily used for bisection. Please also upload the dmidecode result here. "dmidecode > dmidecode.txt" Thanks Lv
Aug 29 18:03:27 ASUS-G75VW root[4122]: ACPI event unhandled: button/sleep SBTN 00000080 00000000 Aug 29 18:03:27 ASUS-G75VW root[4125]: ACPI event unhandled: button/sleep PNP0C0E:00 00000080 00000001 Aug 29 18:03:30 ASUS-G75VW root[4128]: ACPI event unhandled: button/sleep SBTN 00000080 00000000 Aug 29 18:03:30 ASUS-G75VW root[4130]: ACPI event unhandled: button/sleep PNP0C0E:00 00000080 00000002 Aug 29 18:03:46 ASUS-G75VW root[4165]: ACPI event unhandled: PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 Aug 29 18:03:54 ASUS-G75VW root[4189]: ACPI event unhandled: PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 Aug 29 18:04:25 ASUS-G75VW root[4201]: ACPI event unhandled: button/mute MUTE 00000080 00000000 K Isn't such kind of logs looked like a user space issue or a _OSI problem?
the acpi_listen output in https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1050682-highlight-.html is got in 4.6 kernel, right? It would be nice if you can do the same test (pressing the same hotkeys, in the same order), in both good and bad kernel, so that we can see the differences directly.
Created attachment 232661 [details] dmidecode for kernel 4.7.2-gentoo_07_09_2016 ## uname -a Linux ASUS-G75VW 4.7.2-gentoo_07_09_2016 #5 SMP Wed Sep 7 12:55:14 CEST 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux ## dmidecode > dmidecode.txt
Created attachment 232671 [details] .config for kernel kernel 4.7.2-gentoo_07_09_2016 Latest kernel config in use
https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1050682-highlight-.html All information in this topic is from kernel 4.7.2.
Older kernel data: gentoo forum since i own this hardware october 2015 + kernel 4.2.3 gentoo-sources https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1030552-start-0.html previous kernels, previous bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=106901 -- Could you do a git bisect for this? => When you can provide me with a guide or instruction I will gladly provide this. -- This special folder is also gone /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness I am now unable to set the keyboard backlight and I can not find any option to do this now. --
acpi_listen with kernel 4.7.2 Press FN + F1 key once (Sleep Symbol) button/sleep SBTN 00000080 00000000 button/sleep PNP0C0E:00 00000080 00000001 Press FN + F2 key once (WIFI TOGGLE = ENABLE / DISABLE) kills wifi connection, does not gives me any feedback. I see it on the i3 panel that wifi is gone. Pressing once again reenables wifi. RFKILL seems to work without feedback PRESS FN + F3 key once (Keyboard Brightness Down) PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 PRESS FN + F4 key once (Keyboard Brightness UP) PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 PRESS FN + F5 key once (LAPTOP SCREEN BRIGHTNESS DOWN) nothing happens PRESS FN + F6 key once (LAPTOP SCREEN BRIGHTNESS UP) nothing happens PRESS FN + F7 key once (LCD ICON / toggles the display panel on and off) toggles LCD, no feedback PRESS FN + F8 key once (LCD / Monitor Icon / Toggles INternal / external screens) p PRESS FN + F9 key once (toggles the internal touchpad) nothing happens Press FN + F10, than F11, than F12 once each (Speaker mute / volume down / up) Works as it should button/mute MUTE 00000080 00000000 K button/volumedown VOLDN 00000080 00000000 K button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K -- Explanation of keyboard, Page 39 of this manual http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/G75VW/E_eManual_G75VW_VER7352.pdf
I use i3wm and the following section shows the lost functionality, the lost acpi events. Kernel 4.7.2 does not generate those ACPI event names anymore (XF86KbdBrightnessUp, XF86KbdBrightnessDown and XF86TouchpadToggle) The special folder for the keyboard backlight does not exists anymore in kernel 4.7.2 (/sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness) ##grep XF86KbdBrightnessUp .i3/config bindsym XF86KbdBrightnessUp exec "echo 2 > /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness" ## grep XF86KbdBrightnessDown .i3/config bindsym XF86KbdBrightnessDown exec "echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness" ## grep XF86TouchpadToggle .i3/config bindsym XF86TouchpadToggle exec " if [ $(synclient -l | grep TouchpadOff | awk '{print $3}') == 1 ] ; then synclient touchpadoff=0; else synclient touchpadoff=1; fi "
(In reply to Roman Gruber from comment #10) > acpi_listen with kernel 4.7.2 I didn't get your same test result for 4.6 kernel, thus I will ask more questions > > Press FN + F1 key once (Sleep Symbol) > > button/sleep SBTN 00000080 00000000 > button/sleep PNP0C0E:00 00000080 00000001 > > Press FN + F2 key once (WIFI TOGGLE = ENABLE / DISABLE) > kills wifi connection, does not gives me any feedback. I see it on the i3 > panel that wifi is gone. Pressing once again reenables wifi. RFKILL seems to > work without feedback > > PRESS FN + F3 key once (Keyboard Brightness Down) > > PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 > this is also true for 4.6 right? > PRESS FN + F4 key once (Keyboard Brightness UP) > > PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 > this is also true for 4.6 right? I see you said that " no backlight leds anymore => /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness ", do you mean that these key event will not bring any actual keyboard backlight difference, right? > PRESS FN + F5 key once (LAPTOP SCREEN BRIGHTNESS DOWN) > > nothing happens > is this also true for 4.6? does the screen backlight change in 4.6? > PRESS FN + F6 key once (LAPTOP SCREEN BRIGHTNESS UP) > > nothing happens > is this also true for 4.6? does the screen backlight change in 4.6? > PRESS FN + F7 key once (LCD ICON / toggles the display panel on and off) > > toggles LCD, no feedback > > PRESS FN + F8 key once (LCD / Monitor Icon / Toggles INternal / external > screens) > > p > > PRESS FN + F9 key once (toggles the internal touchpad) > > nothing happens > > Press FN + F10, than F11, than F12 once each (Speaker mute / volume down / > up) Works as it should > > button/mute MUTE 00000080 00000000 K > button/volumedown VOLDN 00000080 00000000 K > button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K > > -- > > Explanation of keyboard, Page 39 of this manual > > http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/G75VW/E_eManual_G75VW_VER7352.pdf
Gentoo does not ship those older kernels anmore. I took the ebuild for the obsolte kernel source from: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/sys-kernel/gentoo-sources/gentoo-sources-4.6.3.ebuild?id=5c3bcb22db64f08151ccb121557c3594aa5e87b0 And put it in my local overlay, digest it and emerged it. I created a new boot entry in grub for kernel 4.6.3 with the compiled kernel from the past. uname -a Linux ASUS-G75VW 4.6.3-gentoo_28_06_2016 #1 SMP Mon Jun 27 22:01:11 CEST 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux Kernel was build, by my naming 26th of June, year 2016 -- Differences: Because kernel 4.6.3 does not build with recent nvidia-drivers I have reinstalled 367.35-r1 nvidia-drivers, the same nvidia-drivers which I used with that particular kernel in the past. kernel 4.7.2 had a symbol name change, which happens from time to time and uses 370.23 nvidia-drivers ebuild. -- Except the nvidia-drivers binary package, because of a kernel internal name change and therefore no way to install the latest version, the box runs the same software except nvidia-drivers and kernel. --
acpi_listen with kernel Linux ASUS-G75VW 4.6.3-gentoo_28_06_2016 Press FN + F1 key once (Sleep Symbol) button/sleep SBTN 00000080 00000000 button/sleep PNP0C0E:00 00000080 00000001 Press FN + F2 key once (WIFI TOGGLE = ENABLE / DISABLE) no reaction, nothing happens. No Message in (tail -f /var/log/messages) In comparison kernel 4.7.2 gives message in /var/log/messages that wifi is toggled and also i3 panel instantly changes. PRESS FN + F3 key once (Keyboard Brightness Down) PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 PRESS FN + F4 key once (Keyboard Brightness UP) PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 Comment: Brightness up and down works with my i3.config. As you can see f4 has set it to two and the leds are on: cat /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness 2 PRESS FN + F5 key once (LAPTOP SCREEN BRIGHTNESS DOWN) nothing happens PRESS FN + F6 key once (LAPTOP SCREEN BRIGHTNESS UP) nothing happens PRESS FN + F7 key pressed ! twice ! (LCD ICON / toggles the display panel on and off) acpi_listen PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 video/displayoff DOFF 00000089 00000000 K PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 Comment: I have to press this button twice, as the lcd is turned off and than on again => toggled PRESS FN + F8 key once (LCD / Monitor Icon / Toggles INternal / external screens) p PRESS FN + F9 key once (toggles the internal touchpad) MY i3.config disables the touchpad by default Pressed once: Result, touchpad enabled (toggle functionality works) PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 Pressed once again: Result, touchpad disabled (toggle functionality works) PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 Press FN + F10, than F11, than F12 once each (Speaker mute / volume down / up) Works as it should button/mute MUTE 00000080 00000000 K button/volumedown VOLDN 00000080 00000000 K button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K Tested with youtube open in google-chrome. Works as it should, muting; volume up and down works as it should be.
Created attachment 232801 [details] Linux ASUS-G75VW 4.6.3-gentoo_28_06_2016 #1 SMP Mon Jun 27 22:01:11 CEST 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux Kernel config for kernel 4.6.3 which I used in the past for several weeks / months Kernel config differs in comparison with kernel 4.7.2, as I tried to narrow things down and removed unused modules in 4.7.2 config I usually do Update date of the kernel with nano editor in .config make oldconfig (use suggested options for new settings) build kernel
(In reply to Zhang Rui from comment #12) > (In reply to Roman Gruber from comment #10) > > acpi_listen with kernel 4.7.2 > > I didn't get your same test result for 4.6 kernel, thus I will ask more > questions > > > > > Press FN + F1 key once (Sleep Symbol) > > > > button/sleep SBTN 00000080 00000000 > > button/sleep PNP0C0E:00 00000080 00000001 > > > > Press FN + F2 key once (WIFI TOGGLE = ENABLE / DISABLE) > > kills wifi connection, does not gives me any feedback. I see it on the i3 > > panel that wifi is gone. Pressing once again reenables wifi. RFKILL seems > to > > work without feedback > > > > PRESS FN + F3 key once (Keyboard Brightness Down) > > > > PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 > > > this is also true for 4.6 right? Nope. FN + F1 => Same behaviour => I never used sleep functionality ever over 20 years in linux, so no idea, should be the same FN + F2 => kernel 4.7.2 enables wifi toggle key which surprised me. Sometimes named software RFKILL, I suppose FN + F3 => kernel 4.7.2 dead FN + F3 or FN + F4 works as it should, brightness up or down events are generated, out of lazyness of myself, i set it to zero or value of 2. Possible and accepted values are 0, 1,2,3. 0 is nothing. 3 is maximum brightness > > > PRESS FN + F4 key once (Keyboard Brightness UP) > > > > PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 > > > this is also true for 4.6 right? > FN + F3 => kernel 4.7.2 dead FN + F3 or FN + F4 works as it should, brightness up or down events are generated, out of lazyness of myself, i set it to zero or value of 2. Possible and accepted values are 0, 1,2,3. 0 is nothing. 3 is maximum brightness > I see you said that " no backlight leds anymore => > /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness ", do you mean that these > key event will not bring any actual keyboard backlight difference, right? > kernel 4.6.3 contains special folder for asus::kbd_backlight which links to ../../devices/platform/asus-nb-wmi/leds/asus::kbd_backlight and enables to change the brightness of the keyboard with echo command. Accepted values are 0, 1, 2, 3. 0 = off, 3 = max brightness ls -alh /sys/class/leds/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Sep 9 2016 . drwxr-xr-x 74 root root 0 Sep 9 2016 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 9 2016 asus::kbd_backlight -> ../../devices/platform/asus-nb-wmi/leds/asus::kbd_backlight lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 9 2016 ath9k-phy0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.1/0000:03:00.0/leds/ath9k-phy0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 9 09:41 input4::capslock -> ../../devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input4/input4::capslock lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 9 09:41 input4::numlock -> ../../devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input4/input4::numlock lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 9 09:41 input4::scrolllock -> ../../devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input4/input4::scrolllock kernel 4.7.2 the folder asus::kbd_backlight does not exists. IF desired I can boot up that later and provide ls -alh listening > > PRESS FN + F5 key once (LAPTOP SCREEN BRIGHTNESS DOWN) > > > > nothing happens > > > is this also true for 4.6? > does the screen backlight change in 4.6? > > PRESS FN + F6 key once (LAPTOP SCREEN BRIGHTNESS UP) > > > > nothing happens > > > is this also true for 4.6? > does the screen backlight change in 4.6? > Same behaviour since I own this laptop with any linux kernel. According to my gentoo forum post. Kernel range are 4.2.x - 4.7.2 MY workaround is xrandr extension and the following entries in my i3.config bindsym $mod+F1 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 1" bindsym $mod+F2 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 10" bindsym $mod+F3 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 20" bindsym $mod+F4 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 30" #turn down the display backlight" bindsym $mod+F5 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 40" #turn up the display backlight" bindsym $mod+F6 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 50" bindsym $mod+F7 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 60" bindsym $mod+F8 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 70" bindsym $mod+F9 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 80" bindsym $mod+F10 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 85" bindsym $mod+F11 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 90" bindsym $mod+F12 exec "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 100" The key combinations Windows and those F-keys execute the following command: xrandr --output LVDS-0 --set Backlight 100. The brightness is changed accordingly > > PRESS FN + F7 key once (LCD ICON / toggles the display panel on and off) > > > > toggles LCD, no feedback > > > > PRESS FN + F8 key once (LCD / Monitor Icon / Toggles INternal / external > > screens) > > > > p > > I have not tried yet kernel 4.7.2 with an external screen, but I suppose it should do the job. Kernels 4.6.3 or below did as they should, switch screens > > PRESS FN + F9 key once (toggles the internal touchpad) > > > > nothing happens > > Kernel 4.7.2 killed the touchpad toggle event. kernels 4.6.3 or below throw event named XF86TouchpadToggle which enables me to toggle the touchpad quote i3.config #toggle the touchpad bindsym XF86TouchpadToggle exec " if [ $(synclient -l | grep TouchpadOff | awk '{print $3}') == 1 ] ; then synclient touchpadoff=0; else synclient touchpadoff=1; fi " > > Press FN + F10, than F11, than F12 once each (Speaker mute / volume down / > > up) Works as it should > > > > button/mute MUTE 00000080 00000000 K > > button/volumedown VOLDN 00000080 00000000 K > > button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K > > > > -- Same as always
Correction: FN + F3 or FN + F4 => kernel 4.7.2 dead
uname -a Linux ASUS-G75VW 4.7.2-gentoo_07_09_2016 #5 SMP Wed Sep 7 12:55:14 CEST 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux ls -alh /sys/class/leds/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Sep 9 2016 . drwxr-xr-x 72 root root 0 Sep 9 2016 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 9 2016 ath9k-phy0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.1/0000:03:00.0/leds/ath9k-phy0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 9 10:18 input0::capslock -> ../../devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0/input0::capslock lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 9 10:18 input0::numlock -> ../../devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0/input0::numlock lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 9 10:18 input0::scrolllock -> ../../devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0/input0::scrolllock lsmod Module Size Used by uvcvideo 72141 0 videobuf2_vmalloc 4710 1 uvcvideo videobuf2_memops 1609 1 videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_v4l2 10611 1 uvcvideo videobuf2_core 30743 2 uvcvideo,videobuf2_v4l2 videodev 116707 3 uvcvideo,videobuf2_core,videobuf2_v4l2 media 18976 2 uvcvideo,videodev ath3k 8525 0 btusb 27832 0 btrtl 4064 1 btusb btbcm 6303 1 btusb btintel 6968 1 btusb nvidia_drm 37139 1 nvidia_modeset 744194 4 nvidia_drm nvidia 11824180 58 nvidia_modeset input_leds 3086 0 lpc_ich 14816 0 mfd_core 4307 1 lpc_ich xhci_pci 4638 0 xhci_hcd 101455 1 xhci_pci ehci_pci 4039 0 ehci_hcd 41623 1 ehci_pci video 27458 0 battery 7882 0 ac 3891 0 acpi_cpufreq 7701 0 asus_wireless 1974 0 thermal 10039 0 button 5041 0 processor 27787 1 acpi_cpufreq
IMO, the most important problem is that /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness is missing in 4.7 kernel, which is apparently a regression. Let's get this problem resolved first.
My ls listening motivated me to look into those ASUS_WM symbols which I changed the following settings in kernel 4.7.2: HOTPLUG_PCI from N to Y HOTPLUG_PCI_ACPI from N to Y ASUS_WMI from N to M (yes not available, something set as module) ASUS_NB_WMI from N to M (yes not available, something set as module) -- F3 + F4, keyboard backlight works now with kernel 4.7.2 F9 touchpad toggle works now. I tried to read out the key combos with xev tool, but I do not see the ACPI names there. I will ask on forums.gentoo.org. -- Basically 4.7.2 seems to work as kernel 4.6.3 with gained functionality of RFKILL (Wifi Toggle key). -- Still broken are keys F5 and F6 for screen brightness (never worked on any kernels i tried so far) -- I think kernel 4.6.3 or earlier have had those ASUS_WMI symbols also disabled, which makes no sense. A disabled symbol should not allow / provide those keyboard backlight functionality or toggle key functionality. -- Should I create a new bug report regarding FN keys F5 and F6 for lcd brightness change? so you can mark this bug as invalid?
Created attachment 232821 [details] Linux ASUS-G75VW 4.7.2-gentoo-09-09-2016 #6 SMP Fri Sep 9 10:45:18 CEST 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux LCD Brightness keys for increasing or decreasing brightness are not working FN + F5 or FN + F6 --
For the F5/F6 issue, I'm not sure if this is an ACPI issue or a platform driver issue. Please attach the output of "cat /proc/interrupts" and "grep . /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/*" both before and after pressing the Fn + F5/F6 keys.