Created attachment 25008 [details] tar'd bzip of various items of output that will be requested Same results in kernels: * vanilla * gentoo-sources-2.6.32-r4 (above + gentoo patches) All tests in attached output from vanilla kernel. I have searched for similar bug reports, and didn't find anything that helped. I have attached a tar'd bzip of all debug information I've collected that seemed to be asked in other similar reports. --> Contents of tar: dsdt.bin lspci-tv.output nomodeset-find_proc_acpi.output nomodeset-find_sys_class_backlight.output vendor-find_proc_acpi.output vendor-find_sys_class_backlight.output vendor-find_sys_class_backlight_sony.output vendor-manual_attempt_to_change_brightness.session vendor-xbacklight_attempts.session video-find_proc_acpi.output video-find_sys_class_backlight.output video-xbacklight_attempts.session I have a fairly new Sony VPCS111FM. It's pretty much an Intel-everything laptop. --> see lspci-tv.output I cannot change the laptop brightness. From what I can tell, it looks like Kernel Mode Setting is required (?) on this machine/chipset to get X started, as I get a blank/black screen w/o KMS (using xf86-video-intel-2.9.1). I have attempted to use the kernel parameter "acpi_brightness" set to either 'vendor' or 'video', and have attached various outputs that show the contents of /proc/acpi and /sys/class/backlight under both cases. 'vendor' gets me further, as the 'sony' directory and subentries appear in /sys/class/backlight, but they do not change the physical appear of the brightness of the screen. When in 'vendor' mode, neither xbacklight nor xrandr (for brightness) works. --> see vendor-* I have also attached a binary DSDT dump. --> see dsdt.bin I'm happy to try anything, as I'm completely at a loss after much debugging and trial and error.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 15279 ***