Bug 114601 - Kernel 4.5.0 crashes when docking Lenovo T450s (with external monitor connected)
Summary: Kernel 4.5.0 crashes when docking Lenovo T450s (with external monitor connected)
Alias: None
Product: Drivers
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Video(DRI - Intel) (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86-64 Linux
: P1 high
Assignee: intel-gfx-bugs@lists.freedesktop.org
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-03-14 15:43 UTC by cs_gon
Modified: 2016-03-16 09:44 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Kernel Version: 4.5.0
Regression: No
Bisected commit-id:

dmesg output with drm.debug=0x1e (987.14 KB, text/plain)
2016-03-14 15:43 UTC, cs_gon

Description cs_gon 2016-03-14 15:43:17 UTC
Created attachment 209111 [details]
dmesg output with drm.debug=0x1e

When docking the T450s into the docking station (Lenovo Pro Dock) with an external monitor connected, the kernel frequently crashes.

I have enabled kernel crash dumps and drm.debug=0x1e, and at least got the dmesg output. But I currently don't have the debugging symbols (the kernel is from the Ubuntu mainline PPA), so cannot provide a full backtrace at the moment.

Please let me know if this is needed. And is compiling with CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y enough, or are additional steps needed?
Comment 1 cs_gon 2016-03-14 16:21:01 UTC
I also reported the bug on bugs.freedesktop.org ( https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94534 ), because I wasn't sure where the best place to report this is.

And I also tested the drm-intel-nightly kernel (linux-image-4.5.0-994-generic_4.5.0-994.201603132257_amd64.deb from the Ubuntu kernel PPA), which causes the same crash (apart from the addresses the exact same stack trace).
Comment 2 Jani Nikula 2016-03-16 09:44:37 UTC
Please file new drm/i915 bug reports to the freedesktop.org bugzilla:

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