Bug 112821 - Cannot change the number of bits (CS5/CS6/CS7) or parity (PARENB) in a PTY
Summary: Cannot change the number of bits (CS5/CS6/CS7) or parity (PARENB) in a PTY
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Drivers
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Serial (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: P1 low
Assignee: Russell King
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-02-21 22:55 UTC by Paulo Costa
Modified: 2016-02-21 22:55 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Kernel Version: 4.1.13
Regression: No
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Description Paulo Costa 2016-02-21 22:55:01 UTC
Short version:

PTYs are stuck on 8 data bits and no parity. 

Is that a bug or a feature? Why?


Long version:

I'm working on an IO expansion board. Among other things, it exposes a bunch of serial ports, which I want to expose as TTY devices on my host.

I'm probably going to write a kernel module for it later, but for now I'm using a PTY as bridge between the kernel and my "driver" program.

Whenever there is a change to the PTY's `struct termios` (baud, parity, number of bits, etc) I make the corresponding changes on my expansion board.

This works fine for most of the parameters, but not the number of data bits or parity.

After some digging, I found that changes to these configurations are explicitly ignored on the PTY driver and it is stuck on 8 data bits, no parity.

I wonder if we really want PTYs to do this (why?), and why it doesn't affect other options, like speed and number of stop bits.

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