Bug 106691 - BNEP multicast filter is filtering multicast addresses in default case although differently specified
Summary: BNEP multicast filter is filtering multicast addresses in default case althou...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Drivers
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Bluetooth (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: P1 high
Assignee: linux-bluetooth@vger.kernel.org
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Reported: 2015-10-27 11:32 UTC by Danny Schweizer
Modified: 2015-10-30 12:29 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Kernel Version: 4.0.4
Regression: No
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Description Danny Schweizer 2015-10-27 11:32:01 UTC
A Linux PC is connected with another device over Bluetooth PAN using a BNEP interface.

Whenever a packet is tried to be sent over the BNEP interface, the function "bnep_net_xmit()" in "net/bluetooth/bnep/netdev.c" is called. This function calls "bnep_net_mc_filter()", which checks (if the destination address is multicast) if the address is set in a certain multicast filter (&s->mc_filter). If it is not, then it is not sent out.

This filter is only changed in two other functions, found in net/bluetooth/bnep/core.c": in "bnep_ctrl_set_mc_filter()", which is only called if a message of type "BNEP_FILTER_MULTI_ADDR_SET" is received. Otherwise, it is set in "bnep_add_connection()", where it is set to a default value which only adds the broadcast address to the filter:

set_bit(bnep_mc_hash(dev->broadcast), (ulong *) &s->mc_filter);

To sum up, if the BNEP interface does not receive any message of type "BNEP_FILTER_MULTI_ADDR_SET", it will not send out any messages with multicast destination addresses except for broadcast.

However, in the BNEP specification (page 27 in http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/Bluetooth/BNEP.pdf), it is said that per default, all multicast addresses should not be filtered, i.e. the BNEP interface should be able to send packets with any multicast destination address.

It seems that the default case is wrong: the multicast filter should not block almost all multicast addresses, but should not filter out any.

This leads to the problem that e.g. Neighbor Solicitation messages sent with Bluetooth PAN over the BNEP interface to a multicast destination address other than broadcast are blocked and not sent out.
Comment 1 Johan Hedberg 2015-10-30 12:29:01 UTC
Looks like you've analyzed and understood the issue fairly well! The next step would be to send a patch proposal to the linux-bluetooth list. Would you be able to do that?

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