Bug 103051 - bad video Juju
Summary: bad video Juju
Alias: None
Product: Drivers
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Video(DRI - Intel) (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86-64 Linux
: P1 high
Assignee: intel-gfx-bugs@lists.freedesktop.org
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-08-18 09:47 UTC by Rachael B
Modified: 2015-08-24 21:33 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Kernel Version: 4.2rc7-mainline
Regression: Yes
Bisected commit-id:

output from dmesg for 4.2-mainline-4c7 (113.97 KB, text/plain)
2015-08-18 10:24 UTC, Rachael B

Description Rachael B 2015-08-18 09:47:12 UTC
Sorry I don't have any logs (no time to collect them, I need a working system!)

The retrograde introduced in 4.2rc6-mainline still exists on my Acer laptop. The display is mis-identified in /dev . The result is that the brightness cannot be set (it defaults to maximum). Also i3status fails to start (presumably for the same reason).

Don't know if it's the same bug, but resume from suspend also fails :(
Comment 1 Chris Wilson 2015-08-18 09:54:34 UTC
"The display is mis-identified in /dev." Pardon? What do you mean? Just attach the dmesg, it sounds like you don't have a driver loaded.
Comment 2 Rachael B 2015-08-18 10:24:16 UTC
Created attachment 185181 [details]
output from dmesg for 4.2-mainline-4c7
Comment 3 Rachael B 2015-08-18 10:26:33 UTC
Hi Chris :)

I've attached the output from dmesg. In 4.2-mainline-rc5 and below, the video was identified in /sys/class/backlight as intel_backlight. For rc6 and rc7 this has changed to acpi_video0. As a consequence the backlight can no longer be controlled. I'm assuming that the failure to restart after suspend, and the failure of i3status to start at all, are related issues.

Thanks for your help!
Comment 4 Rachael B 2015-08-24 21:33:07 UTC
Resolved in 4.2-mainline-rc8

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