Bug 98851

Summary: the man page tc-filters is missing
Product: Documentation Reporter: david (cyp2010)
Component: man-pagesAssignee: documentation_man-pages (documentation_man-pages)
Severity: normal CC: cyp2010, mtk.manpages, vapier
Priority: P1    
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Kernel Version: Subsystem:
Regression: No Bisected commit-id:

Description david 2015-05-25 03:41:02 UTC
I want to see more infomation about tc-filters, but it seems that it is missing in man-pages.

linux:/usr/share/man/man8 # man tc-filters
No manual entry for tc-filters
linux:/usr/share/man/man8 #

tc-filters is mentioned in man page TC.

linux:/usr/share/man/man8 # man tc
Reformatting tc(8), please wait...
       s, sec or secs
              Whole seconds

       ms, msec or msecs

       us, usec, usecs or a bare number

       The following commands are available for qdiscs, classes and filter:

       add    Add a qdisc, class or filter to a node. For all entities, a parent must be passed, either by passing its ID or by attaching directly to  the
              root  of  a device.  When creating a qdisc or a filter, it can be named with the handle parameter. A class is named with the classid parameā€

       remove A qdisc can be removed by specifying its handle, which may also be 'root'. All subclasses and their leaf qdiscs are  automatically  deleted,
              as well as any filters attached to them.

       change Some  entities  can be modified 'in place'. Shares the syntax of 'add', with the exception that the handle cannot be changed and neither can
              the parent. In other words, change cannot move a node.

              Performs a nearly atomic remove/add on an existing node id. If the node does not exist yet it is created.

       link   Only available for qdiscs and performs a replace where the node must exist already.

       tc was written by Alexey N. Kuznetsov and added in Linux 2.2.

       tc-cbq(8), tc-htb(8), tc-sfq(8), tc-red(8), tc-tbf(8), tc-pfifo(8), tc-bfifo(8), tc-pfifo_fast(8), tc-filters(8)

       Manpage maintained by bert hubert (ahu@ds9a.nl)

iproute2                                                             16 December 2001                                                                TC(8)
 Manual page tc(8) line 196/243 (END)
Comment 1 Mike Frysinger 2015-05-25 09:04:59 UTC
not a problem w/the man-pages project: `tc` is provided by iproute2, not man-pages.  my guess is it's a problem with your system (missing package) or your distro (package is broken).  `man tc` works for me.

Comment 2 Michael Kerrisk 2015-05-26 03:59:11 UTC
Mike, thanks for the input, all of which I agree with. Closing this.