Bug 215842

Summary: PC freeze sidn kernel 5.17.x
Product: Drivers Reporter: andreykoltsov
Component: Video(DRI - non Intel)Assignee: drivers_video-dri
Severity: blocking    
Priority: P1    
Hardware: Intel   
OS: Linux   
Kernel Version: 5.17.3 Subsystem:
Regression: No Bisected commit-id:

Description andreykoltsov 2022-04-15 20:49:35 UTC

the display of my PC freezes (i cant also go to thy tty and ssh also down). I can always recreate this by going to https://github.com/jonaburg/picom and scrolling to the video. I can only see this behavior since the update to 5.17.x. Firefox version 99.0.1 (64-bit) is used as the browser. When switching to the LTS kernel, the problem disappears and the PC no longer freezes. This was tested many times on my productive system. I also tried different WMs (xmonad, qtile, KDE, i3) and switching the filesystem from btrfs to ext4 - but the problem remained. The PC has a SWAP. The XORG version is X.Org X Server This Problem is also reproduceable on Wayland. I tested also by uninstall of picom and reinstall it etc.

This are my components:

Resolution: 2560x1440 
OS: Arch Linux x86_64 
CPU: Intel i5-6600K (4) @ 4.600GHz
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 530 
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590 
Memory: 1049MiB / 14947MiB
Comment 1 Artem S. Tashkinov 2022-04-16 09:38:06 UTC
I presume your Radeon RX GPU is driving everything.

Please refile here: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/-/issues while providing all the necessary details. Also please search for existing bug reports, this could be already known.