lspci -v output for my machine right after the crash
lspci.txt (text/plain), 7.52 KB, created by Alex Villacis Lasso on 2010-04-01 01:12:39 UTC
Creator: Alex Villacis Lasso
Created: 2010-04-01 01:12:39 UTC
Size: 7.52 KB

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Actions: View
Attachments on bug 15664: 25789 | 25790 | 25791 | 25792 | 25793 | 26008 | 26011 | 26019 | 26024 | 26029 | 26096 | 26243 | 26251 | 26264 | 26378 | 26384 | 26490 | 26703 | 26962 | 27218 | 27219 | 27220 | 27227 | 27302