dmesg on MSI-GS40-6qe, kernel 4.6-rc1 ACPI errors
dmesg_msiGS40-6qe_kernel-4.6-rc1.txt (text/plain), 59.49 KB, created by sdavid on 2016-03-28 21:39:46 UTC
Creator: sdavid
Created: 2016-03-28 21:39:46 UTC
Size: 59.49 KB

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Attachments on bug 102421: 184531 | 189071 | 189781 | 189891 | 190091 | 190811 | 191061 | 210931 | 211781 | 212311 | 212341 | 212391 | 212521 | 212581 | 212641 | 218991 | 221221 | 222301 | 222311