dmesg output for booting Intel DG965RY firmware 1687
dg965ry-v1687- (text/plain), 23.58 KB, created by John Karp on 2007-08-03 19:45:05 UTC
Creator: John Karp
Created: 2007-08-03 19:45:05 UTC
Size: 23.58 KB

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Attachments on bug 8630: 11752 | 11753 | 11754 | 11755 | 12006 | 12177 | 12243 | 12244 | 12308 | 12464 | 12468 | 12470 | 12479 | 12480 | 12481 | 12485 | 12489 | 12498 | 12499 | 12502 | 12503 | 12521 | 12745 | 12866 | 13072 | 13073