UNICON is a CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) Linux console input and display system. It can support console virtual terminals, GPM mouse, keyboard, and almost all video devices using the kernel frame buffer. It supports multiple language fonts with a font manager so each virtual console can display a different font and input method. UNICON also can display IBM table characters mixed with double byte language encodings.
Download by http://vdlinux.sourceforge.jp/dists/ unicon-3.0.4-20010924.tar.gz (UNICON) vd_unicon-userland-20031122vd.patch (Patch for UNICON) vd_unicon-kernel-2.6.10-20050104.patch.bz2 (Patch for Kernel 2.6.10)
more infomation: http://vdr.jp/d/unicon.html
If you want this in the kernel, present this patch to linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org and linux-fbdev-devel@lists.sourceforge.net. You have to make a good case.