Bug 10934 - acpi -t showing sometimes insane values
Summary: acpi -t showing sometimes insane values
Alias: None
Product: ACPI
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Power-Thermal (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: P1 normal
Assignee: Zhang Rui
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-06-18 05:37 UTC by Tom Söderlund
Modified: 2008-06-26 08:10 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Kernel Version: 2.6.26-rc6-git2
Regression: ---
Bisected commit-id:


Description Tom Söderlund 2008-06-18 05:37:21 UTC
Latest working kernel version: 
Earliest failing kernel version: Ubuntu's 2.6.24-19
Distribution: Ubuntu 8.04.1
Hardware Environment: Lenovo 3000 Y200 (6469-22R)
Software Environment: Gnome
Problem Description:

While investigating problem #10921, acpi -t gave a value of 144°C while running kernel versions 2.6.26-rc6-git2 and 2.6.26-rc5-git6 (both with phc patch) while the coretemp module reported normal values of around 50°C for both cores and the machine cover felt to be in normal temperature range too when touched with hand.

Additionally, acpi -t reported a value of 1°C while running Ubuntu's precompiled kernel 2.6.24-19.

Incidentally, when reporting these odd temperature values, acpi -t command did not report to my recollection any battery status information like normally.

Steps to reproduce: Investigating.. No luck yet to reproduce.
Comment 1 Len Brown 2008-06-19 22:16:55 UTC
Please reproduce the issue using an upstream kernel.org kernel.
2.6.25.y, or 2.6.26-rc at this point.

Please do not include PHC, or any out-of-tree patches.

Please include the output from dmesg -s64000
and grep . /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/*

If this problem was known to not exist using an earlier kernel,
it might be helpful to finding the root cause if you can identify
the latest upstream kernel that did not have this problem.

Comment 2 Zhang Rui 2008-06-26 01:52:01 UTC
tom, any update?
Comment 3 Tom Söderlund 2008-06-26 08:10:58 UTC
It seems I can't reproduce it with current plain upstream kernels. Also the original problem seems to be unreproducible with them. So, closing.

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